What Is Hosting & Operating?

What Is Hosting & Operating?

Hosts & Operators are the backbone of our community owned and people powered network. Alongside national coverage agreements, our hosts & operators work together to provide sites as locations for the World Mobile network through our AirNode infrastructure. Whether that's your home, business, even an HOA community - we match the two together to make building out the network a reality. And because you're a part of it, you have a say in it's future.

What Is A Host?
A host provides their location to host an AirNode unit best suited for the location and receives a percentage reward of the network traffic that comes through their infrastructure. As a host, there is no upfront cost on the infrastructure or the installation as we pair you with an operator who can be anyone in the world who is willing to pay for the infrastructure and installation. Together, you'll both receive your own respective percentages for providing that service not only to yourself, but to that of your community. This allows the network to be owned and operated by people all over the United States and the world, together! This allows some of the revenue from the network to stay in your community and with the locals, what we call the Sharing Economy.
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